Hey Everyone, I hope life is treating you with good times and fun memories. So, just a small update on my life, I have been working at a recreation center in the Child Watch area and I am LOVING it!!! What is it about kids that I love? Well, everything to be exact. I have found that working with kids in this job and my last job that kids know no fear or even fully understand it. So, how is it that as we get older the fears we once had as children become so massive that we can't seem to live our lives to the absolute fullest and happiest? I remember growing up I had fears of dinosaurs (still do actually), monsters under the bed, and a fear of failure in my teen years. As I have grown, I don't fear monsters under my bed anymore because I know that they don't exist at least not in the way that they are portrayed in movies and books. Don't get me wrong monsters are real, but we all have different monsters that we struggle to fight and defeat. Other times we just si...