
Finding out that I am Autistic

  Hey Everyone,     I hope that you are all doing well and life is great. I know it has been quite sometime and I am very inconsistent with posting, life has been crazy the past couple of years. Some of which I wish to update you on.      So, I have mentioned that I was going to be getting tested for Autism, I was tested and I felt like I was misdiagnosed. I had the testing done, most of which I had done just a few months prior, but the diagnosis by that doctor came back as ADHD mild inattentive, Anxiety Disorder, and a mild depression disorder. Well, because I am the kind of person who dives deep into things, that peek my interest, and being told by one doctor that I could be on the Autism Spectrum and another saying that I had ADHD mild inattentive (formerly known as Attention Deficit Disorder). I knew that both conditions had things in common with one another and some major differences, I had to know which condition I truly have. So, the more I researched BOTH conditions, I knew an

Future Unknown...

  Hey Everyone,     I hope you are all doing well and life is good for you and your families. I know that I haven't written lately, sorry about that, life has been crazy busy and challenging for me lately.    So, last time I wrote I was at one job, with a hope that I could find a different job. I was working with kids in a daycare type of setting and I enjoyed it, but it didn't come without major challenges for me. I then decided to go back to my "roots" working with kids, as an assistant teacher. One of my favorite jobs that I have ever worked was as an assistant teacher in a special education class. I still miss those kiddos but knowing that I could be a part of their lives, even for the short time I was in their lives, means the world to me. I learned a lot about myself during that short period of time, 5ish years ago. Those beautiful kids taught me and I hope that I was able to teach them something, even if it was a small thing. While I was at the childcare positi

Holding on to Hope and My Faith....

  Hey Everyone,     I hope that life is treating you well and all is good for you and your family. So, as of late I have been struggling with doubts and fears, something that we all battle. When doubt and fear enter my mind, I seem to focus on that darkness. Something that I really don't like about my mind, but I have also learned to fight back and successfully stay in the light, even though it isn't as bright as I would like I am still there, safe and calm. I know that my beliefs aren't the same as everyone else's, that is just fine. I believe in God, I commonly call Him Heavenly Father, our Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, aka LDS or aka Mormon church. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, when we turn the age of 8, we can choose to be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, he is our constant companion. I have had many experiences where the Holy Ghost, with the help of my

Why I appreicate Mothers...

 Hey Everyone,          I know I am not keeping my promise to keep you up to date, sorry life as of late has been absolutely crazy and I am dealing with work burn out (that is another story).      This post came to me because I have been really, I guess aggressive when it comes to celebrating and being thankful for our mothers. I may not be a mom yet, but I hope that someday soon I can be. I just have to be patient and ask for help from my Father in Heaven. This month is a particularly difficult month for me and has been for the longest time now. I hope that I can fix that, but time will be the one to let me know.      A bit of backstory, I am the oldest of 3, so I am the one who made my mom, well, a mom. She has stayed by my side for 30 years now, and I don't see that changing. She is my rock, my therapist, my chauffeur, support system, everything you can imagine she has had to do, and never once complained. I am glad that my Father in Heaven sent me to her, she has been the BIGGE

My Life as of Late...

Hey Everyone,       So, it's been well over a month since I last checked in, oops! It's been a wild and crazy ride for me as of late. My anxiety has been at an all time new high, for me at least. Between, covid-19 scares at work, to being shut down for 3 days this week, to the elections here in the United States, my mind has been overwhelmed to say the very least. Now, this isn't my first ride on this anxiety filled roller-coaster so I know that I will overcome all of this, it is just a matter of calming my mind and taking time out for me.      Last month was all over the place for me. I LOVE October, and Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. Now, I know a lot of people are probably like, "Christmas isn't your FAVORITE holiday?" I like Christmas, but not what it has become, meaning the commercialization that has come with celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, family and our Savior Jesus Christ. I love to give gifts, but I don't want others to feel obligat

Stand Out....

Hey Everyone,       So, I started this post back in October of 2018 and I thought that I would add somethings to it and finally publish it for y'all to read.                                                                                                        10/14/2018        I hope that life is splendid for y'all. I have been thinking all about fitting in and standing out. This post came about because of the movie " The House with a Clock in Its Walls ". I love this movie for numerous reasons but the one reason that stands out to me, the most, is you are stronger when you stand out from the crowd.      Anyone who truly knows me, knows that I struggle to fit in. I have never really had many "close" friends, just a few here and there through out my life, to be honest I have had way more  acquaintances   than true or close friends. I have always been the odd duck out, in the way I think, speak, and dress. For the longest time in my tween and teens year

Playing Catch Up.....

  Hey Everyone,     WOW!! I can't believe that my last post was almost a full 2 years ago. Life has been extremely crazy for me lately, but I want to take the time to let y'all know what has been going on in my life since my last post.     Since my last post, a lot has happened, in just this year alone. Let's be real is this Jumanji game ever going to end? 😉 This year has been rough of all of us, with COVID-19 striking earlier this year, places we used to go just opening back up with new rules and restrictions. It feels like a new normal, I pray that is NOT the new normal because we don't need to live in a world full of fear, anger, hate and anxiety. These things are the things that I am trying my best to keep out of my life, but I am only human and I have my weaknesses just like everyone else. Let me start at the beginning.       So, in my last post I mentioned that I was working at a recreation center, in the Child Watch area. Well, I was there for 1 full year. I met