
Hi! Welcome to my blog.

I am not much of a writer and not one who is into a lot of technology, so this is going to be a new experience for me, and one that terrifies me. ;) I am not going to use my name or the names of others or post any pictures of myself or my family. I will post pictures of things I want to share but nothing more than that. I want people to understand me and see me through the words I write.

I am a very happy person most of the time, I will admit that I have my days like everyone else, but I can not stand to be miserable for long periods of time. I am a sensitive person, but I am very glad to be sensitive. I find my strengths through my being sensitive. Being a sensitive person, this day in age seems to be a bad thing, making those of us who are sensitive feel weak, powerless, unheard, and invisible. I hope that this blog can help others find comfort and strength in whatever part of their life they need.
 I am a Latter-Day Saint, aka a Mormon. With this blog I will share my favorite quotes/talks from leaders of the LDS church, and other amazing quotes/stories that I hope will help you the readers understand who I am, A Warrior Daughter of God. Also with this blog I am going to write about some of my favorite memories, occasionally my opinions on things, and I may vent here and there. I might mention random things about my day or my life, but it won't be negative and if it is it will be out of anger that those words are spoken, and I am sorry if that happens.

 I was born into a wonderful family, whom I wouldn't trade ever!!  I was raised in a big city, during my "tween" years my family moved to a small town. Shortly after we moved, my parents divorced and a couple of years after the divorce, my mom moved me and my siblings down south, where I live now. When I was 18 my mom found my stepdad and they have been happily married since. I didn't date until I was 18, the same year I experienced heartbreak. I have had many people come into my life and just leave, sometimes it just fizzles out and other times the last words spoken are from anger, which is difficult for me. Growing up I had a pretty good childhood, I was always smiling and chatting to strangers as a kid. That is until the second grade, I was bullied all through my elementary school years for one thing or another so I was pretty used to it. That is until the bully was someone I considered to be a good friend. After one incident my world was turned, not completely upside down, but it was quite shaken after. I found it hard to talk to anyone or even trust anyone, including my own family. I was just coming back out of my shell when I lost my amazing grandmother to cancer. I was young and didn't fully understand what cancer was, and my loving mother did her very best to help me understand what cancer is. My grandmother and I were two peas in a pod, rarely did we go a week without seeing each other and spending as much time together as we could. I am so grateful that my mom and dad cared enough about me and my siblings to let us spend time with our grandparents and uncles any chance we could. As years went on, I struggled through school and was home taught for a couple of my elementary years. I was put back into public school and made some amazing friends, once again I was coming out of my shell when someone I consider to be a very best friend turned into a bully. We had, had an argument online, and she felt the need to spread it through out the entire school. I felt very alone and unwanted because of her actions. Time passed and 2 years after that experience I lost a cousin in a tragic way. He and I were exactly two weeks apart, growing up we would play with each other and often times would get into trouble. We turned 7 and started to go our own ways, but I won't forget all of the amazing things he did with his life. After losing him [my cousin], I realized that I wasn't living my life to the absolute fullest. Instead I was living in constant fear of many things. I have learned the hard way that the more we run from something(s), that we aren't actually running but rather we are stuck in one spot allowing what ever we are afraid of to control us, and consume us completely. I did that for many years of my life, but I am now finding the strength to stare down my fears and overcome them. I learned this after the passing of my cousin, a lesson that I should have learned beforehand.  I love my family, and yes we are all different in our own ways. We think differently, act differently, and are just unique in every way. I love that about my families, we are more accepting of things now and more importantly accepting of each other. Now we don't always get along or accept the actions of other family members, but I still see the love we have for each other and I still love them unconditionally. I see things in a very different way then what most people would call "normal", well I don't see things as abnormal or too different. Our Father in Heaven sees our differences and still Loves us for who we are, no matter how many times we disappoint Him, hurt Him, ignore Him or even anger Him. I have done my fair share in doing all of that, and I have seen His hand in my life, never have I dismissed it. Have I ignored His hand? Yes I have. But it is always there, guiding me, protecting me, comforting me, healing me, and most importantly sending me the blessing(s) I stand in need of at that time. Wow, the times I can think of where His hand was so prominent in my life, to write it out would take years to do. I don't see myself as a strong person, just a Warrior for her Father in Heaven. I have been through a lot of things, they did break me, but my Heavenly Father has stretched forth His hand and has saved me. 

Until next time!!


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