Seasons change....

Hey Everybody,

Sorry it's been a while, work and life got CRAZY but what's new. With the seasons changing, holidays coming and going it reminds of the numerous times that I change. Sometimes it's a physical change, other times it simply facing a challenge head on (one that I have been avoiding for way too long), and sometimes it's returning to who I am.

So before Halloween I dyed my hair a red color, not shocking Ariel red, but an auburn red. I also cut it, not too short I don't pull that off well. I love that I look like me but a bit different, I naturally have red in my hair so I didn't have too many people notice or at least say anything about my hair. I don't mind though, it was a subtle change and one that I like. When I get bored with what I am doing in life, I love to change things up. Yeah, it's not always for the best, but I hope that it doesn't last very long when it's a wrong choice. There are times where I change my personality just to shake things up, that's not too often, but you'd notice. I have been facing challenges a lot lately, work being one. As I have mentioned I am working more than one job, all in retail. I never thought in a million years I would have more than one job at time, but here I am. I am finding the right balance for myself, and through much trial and error I am learning life lessons. With more lessons to come. I was just recently hired to be a teacher's aide for a preschool where I live. The amazing thing is, is the students are special needs, throwback time! So, in my seventh grade year in school I was a peer tutor. Being a peer tutor was the most rewarding life experience I have ever had. I learned so much from my peers, and they brought so much light into my life. My parents were going through a divorce at this time, so being a peer tutor helped me get through the tough times I was already going through. I always looked forward to seeing their smiling faces, laughter, and eagerness to learn. I made some amazing friends that year. It's funny though my teacher asked the principal at the time if I could be a peer tutor the rest of the year, sadly the principal said no. But that didn't stop me from saying hi to everyone each time I saw them or when we were in a different class together. There were 3 of my wonderful peers that I made friends with and those friendships lasted a bit longer then I had ever imagined. So, there was a gal who is Down Syndrome, she was in my father's ward so after school ended she would constantly ask my dad were I was, if I wasn't with my dad and to see her outside of school was nice. There was a guy who was severely Down Syndrome and struggled with remembering things, so the next year I thought he wouldn't recognize me because I wasn't a peer tutor to him that year and he had a thing with looking down. I thought that was cute, so him never looking up never bugged me. The following school year some of the kids I was a peer tutor to started a new grade and was attending the same school as I was, sad thing is I wasn't a peer tutor that year and I pretty much failed my 8th grade year. I didn't have any classes that I was enjoying or looked forward to except choir. Anyway, back to my original train of thought. I was talking to a friend and not paying too much attention to my surroundings, when all of the sudden I hear this cute little voice say "Hi, Danica.". This took me way off guard, because I knew who it was and I didn't think that he would recognize me or even remember me, but he did and I replied with an overly enthusiastic HI back. My heart melted right then and there. There was another guy, I don't quite remember what his condition was, but every time he saw me, he broke out into a HUGE smile and would wave at me, again and again my heart would melt. I miss these amazing peers of mine. These beautiful children of God made and still make such an impact in my life, I love everyone with all of my heart because they do. That was one thing that they taught me and my beautiful mum too. So, after my schooling and what not I thought that I would never be able to work closely with these beautiful children of God again, but here I am and I will be working with them, teaching them and them teaching me lessons I need to learn. I am looking forward to this new experience. I am still in retail, but this new job should help to bring back balance into my chaotic life. 

So, I am a HUGE fan of the Marvel movies, and the opening weekend of Thor: Ragnarok, I got to see the movie. When I read a book, watch a television show or movie, I always connect to one character sometimes multiple characters. Well, until this weekend I was very connected to the character Loki. Yes, he is the main villain in Thor, and The Avengers, but he wasn't ever the villain to me. He was the god of mischief and go into trouble he couldn't get out of without being punished. This latest film I didn't feel as connected to him as I always have, no, I felt connected more to Thor and the Hulk this time around. Loki is still my ALL-TIME favorite character in the Marvel Universe movies though. It's weird that when I read or watch a movie/tv show I can feel what the character is feeling, even if the author doesn't write how that character is feeling in the moment or if the character doesn't voice how they are feeling. I have a HUGE imagination, I always have ever since I was a little girl. I remember going to my backyard and swinging for hours on end. But I wasn't just swinging I was riding the back of a winged horse or a dragon, flying over new lands and meeting new "creatures", but they weren't creatures to me they were my friends, we didn't look the same but that never mattered to me. They had their strengths and I had mine, some things we had in common, but we were vastly different in many ways. I LOVE when people "stick out" from the crowd. Why? Because they are who they are. I was working at a Halloween store these past few months and I met many different people, co-workers and customers. It was fun for me to listen and learn about my fellow employees and seeing what the customers were transforming into for the holiday and why they made that choice. Halloween is my favorite holiday! I get to dress up and be someone or something different and it's considered normal. ;) I guess you could say that I am an actress of sorts, I put on many faces in one given day. I don't really know what my true face is, but others see it and that's enough for me. One day I am a warrior fighting for good and all that is right, the next I am getting into some form of mischief, and other times I am mellow and just simply relaxing. But that is just a few of my many faces. People ask "if you could have a magical power what would it be?" My answer to them is, "I have the power if invisibility. I am not really noticed by others, because I am quiet. If I could choose I would be a shape-shifter." How cool would it be to become an animal or a different person, to live differently then what we are used to? To see what another sees, feel what another feels. That would be so awesome in my eyes. I have always been a shape-shifter in my imaginings. There for a bit it was fairy, but as time went on it became a werewolf, mermaid, and sometimes a lion or another big cat. I love protecting others from any type of harm, so it's really hard for me to see someone who is an enemy to themselves. I have been an enemy to myself, numerous times. I don't really know how I pull myself out of those situations but I know that I am not doing it alone. Thank you to everyone who has helped me out in my times of trouble and need!

So, I know that Halloween is over, but I want to talk some more about why I love Halloween. You know that when we are younger we believe that it's a day to dress up and go trick or treating. That is how it starts out for us and I love that! But as I grew up, I wanted to know when and how Halloween began. No one really knows for sure where it began, there are many different versions out there on the internet. I don't believe everything I read because you never know if it's the full truth, a half a truth or just a lie in general. So, the more I looked up Halloween there is one thing for certain it was a day that the dead could return to earth. When I learned that I was in awe, mind you I was like in the 4th grade. I think that death is an amazing thing, I have never feared it but embraced it. I have always been fascinated by the many ways people and cultures send their loved ones to the afterlife. Mummification was by far the most interesting way to send your loved ones to the afterlife, in my eyes. My 6th grade teacher LOVED ancient Egypt and we spent a lot of time studying it. The time came for the mummification process, how long it took for each step, what was done and so forth. Well, the Egyptians felt that the brain was a useless organ and would remove it from the body and toss it, because they believe that the heart did all of the thinking. (I agree.) The way they would remove the brain fascinated me, so much so that I reacted in the opposite way all of the other girls did. I was sitting next to my teacher and when she explained that they used a hook, broke the nose and inserted the hook through the nose, twisted it around and pulled the brain out that way, all of the girls in my class reacted with an "EWWW!", but I said something along the lines of "Cool.", I am not sure if the reaction of my teacher was impressed or concerned but she gave me a look I won't ever forget. The Egyptians removed the brain that way, so that they didn't destroy the body and that the spirit would be whole. If any damage came to the body during the burial process the Egyptians believed that the spirit wouldn't be at peace, they would be in an eternal hell. They believed that everyone was worthy and should live forever with the gods and that couldn't happen if anything destroyed the body. Not everyone could afford to be mummified, but the Egyptians believed that everyone could enjoy the company of the gods when the right spells where cast at the time of burial. During the mummification process they left the heart in the chest because they believed that was where the soul was. Other organs, the stomach, liver, intestines, and lungs were place inside specially made jars and buried with the body in their tomb. This was done to preserve the organs for the afterlife. The priests and others that prepared the body for mummification took extra care of the body, any incisions made were small and clean but just large enough to remove the organs and drain the body of all blood and fluids. They wrapped each finger and toe individually with linens and the body was soaked in oils and perfumes. The way that they treated the deceased with so much care and respect so that the person could live with the gods, amazes me to this day. As time went on they realized that by removing the organs the chest cavity collapsed over time, to prevent this from happening any more they would roll up cloth and stuff it up into the chest cavity and that kept the chest from collapsing in. This whole process took months to do. The Egyptians are my favorite ancient culture because of the hope they held in there everyday lives and the fact that their gods were a mix of animals they saw everyday and humans. Some took forms of just animals and others just humans. But to see how they saw the world and the afterlife, is so cool to me! I am weird, I know. As I have been thinking about death it brought back memories of times when death was a very big part of my life. Death takes many shapes and forms in this world. Let me start at the beginning when I started to take an interest in death. I don't quite remember how old I was, but my dad was out in the yard cleaning it up for summer. My brother and I were outside playing while dad was cleaning, well my dad came across a bird that had recently died. Rigor mortis had set in. My dad, had buried it in the back yard. I can't remember if it was at my persistence or not that he buried this poor wild bird. But anyway, as the days turned into weeks I became curious to see what this dead bird that we buried looked like now. I knew that our bodies decompose and I was curious enough to dig up this bird and see what it looked like now, that it had been about two weeks. I unburied it and examined it and thought it was an interesting process, I could actually move the wings now, because of the decomposition that had taken place, to see the bone and feathers and what not fascinated me. After a moment or two, I felt bad about unburying this poor bird and I reburied and left it alone. I don't want to work with the dead and I applaud anyone who can and does. This came after I lost my my grandmother to cancer. I lost her when I was a little girl. She was so much more then just my grandmother, she was my friend, confidante, protector, nurse, and my second mom. Anytime that my mom couldn't be there for me, I knew that I could count on my grandma. I remember many times of getting into big trouble with her, but she never stopped loving me. Okay, that was off track sorry. After I lost my grandmother, I didn't fear death. Knowing that after this life there is another life, but it's peaceful, full of love, kindness, strength, and happiness, that is something I look forward to. Knowing that there is no pain, no hate, no conflict, makes me happy. I do want to die, but not now. My time here isn't over, I am still learning and growing so that I can one day be worthy to be in the presence of our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. In the seventh grade, my teacher read a poem or short story, I don't really remember. But it was about two men in the bitter cold wilderness of Alaska. Two men against all odds of survival, they ran out of provisions and one of the men died. The other man, who was a close friend placed the body of the dead on the sled they were using, he wanted to give his friend a proper send off. Well, with the temperatures being below zero and a blizzard around them, rigor mortis had set in fairly quick. The way it was described was so awesome and creepy. With my imagination, I could see this dead body slowly rising up, with this creepy grin and open eyes. All the while a blizzard was blowing around these two men. After some traveling though, the survivor found an old fishing lodge that had a stove and wood. Well, the survivor was tired of carrying the body of his deceased friend built a fire within the stove and placed the body of his friend within the fire. The story goes on to say that the body looked as though he was in a happy place and finally warm. Once again, my imagination went wild. So, again I have a fascination with death. One of my favorite authors is Edger Allen Poe, it saddens me to think that most (if not all of his works) was due to the influence of alcohol. His works are so full of detail that I love. I love other authors to, but there aren't too many.

I am such a visual person, that words are hard for me. I have been reading up on how our brain works, what side works what and so forth and what side of the brain processes what. Well, I have learned that I use the right side of my brain more then the left. That's why I struggle so much with words, it's the left side of the brain that controls that, speech and spelling. The right side controls the emotions and how we interpret words. So, I am not a logical thinker, I am imaginative thinker. I can on very rare occasions switch from one side of my brain to the other. I can't really stay in the left side of my brain, because that's when I become a monster to say the least. I don't know why that is but it is what it is. I have always been a "right" brain thinker, my whole life. I like to see the whole picture and more often then not it overwhelms me to the point of me shutting down and/or exploding. I am not the smartest person on this earth, but I have strengths that others may not have, and for that I am thankful and very grateful, because that is what makes me, me. I stand out or blend in. I am not a girly girl, but I am definitely not a full tomboy either. I am somewhere in between the two. There is a balance in all things, we must want to seek it for it to be revealed to us. Otherwise we are at war within ourselves or with others. I am a daughter of God above all else. I enjoy the things He blesses me with, the simple things. I marvel at nature, the stars and clouds in the sky, the sun, the moon, rain, snow. The way things work together. There isn't one thing that works on it's own, it's a part of a team. So, we aren't alone in this world, we have a team, family, friends and co-workers. We are a part of something so much bigger then we know or can even comprehend. I love that thought, I am an instrument in my Heavenly Father's hands, that is when I am humble and come unto Him as an obedient child. When I disrespect Him or break His rules, I am separating myself from Him. But He is patient enough, and Loves me enough to wait for my return. The same goes for all of us, not just a few privileged people, ALL OF US!! Once again we are all sons and daughters of a Loving Father in Heaven. He wants what is best for us, no matter how many stumbles and separations we go through, we are NOT forsaken! Love you guys!! May your week be full of happiness and blessings.

Until next time.

Warrior Daughter. 


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