My Life today...

Hey Everyone,

So, I have left retail for good and I am LOVING my job as a teacher's assistant. Getting to work with these little angels with attitudes (I mean that in a good way) is such a blessing to me. I look forward to work (most days, I do have off days ;) ).  Looking back at this past week, I have realized just how richly blessed I am. I had the unique opportunity to be the head teacher for a day this past week. Having that experience reminded me of some conversations I had with with others when I originally got this position and recent conversations with some of my family members. So, a lot of people know that I have always wanted to work with kids, forever it seems like and when this opportunity came I jumped at the chance to finally fulfill my dream of working with kids. The conversations that I have had with others is quite interesting, many have said that I would want to further my education and others have asked if I would like to become a teacher, for a career. For a while I dreamed of becoming a teacher, then I realized that I may not be teacher material. The reason I say this is because I would want to help each child individually excel in their learning, and I would be an oddball teacher and do what I could to make school and learning as fun as I could. That would be so that the kids could receive the help they need and have fun doing it, but I can't tend to each individual child and the way I make things fun probably wouldn't be tolerated in schools, I am sure. There is so much work and prep that goes into teaching, it on occasion makes my head spin. I am not the most organized person in the world either, something that is needed when you are a teacher. So, for now I am just fine with being a teacher's assistant. If I ever do further my education, I will most definitely become a teacher. 

I have been having some rough times here at home, going to work is just what I need to keep going. These amazing, beautiful/handsome children are helping me to learn things that I have been sorely lacking in my life, the biggest is patience. When you work with kids you need to have patience with them or they act out, usually out of frustration of not being heard or understood. I love being a teacher's assistant because I get to help these little ones with anything they stand in need of. There's a lesson that my mom taught me that she learned from her mother, that is to get down on a child's level and acknowledge them just as I would an adult. Something that I value to this day, if I am not on their level, I can't wipe their tears away, hug them when in need, and on occasion I can't hear them. I don't want to miss anything, I want to see these beautiful children show their own unique personalities, imaginations, learn and grow. Yeah, I know that I don't have kids yet, but I hope that I am the best mom that I can be. I have had and still have some amazing role models in my life, one that I never got to meet here on this earth but I know that I met her in heaven. I have an amazing mother and a grandmother, who is no longer here with me physically but still with me when I am in need.  My mom has been way more than patient with me and I am super grateful that she hasn't killed me yet. ;) Mom thank you for being so amazing and helping me to heal, live, and excel in this life. Thank you for being my mom, friend, nurse, therapist, chauffeur, confidant, teacher and kick in the butt when I need it. I LOVE YOU!!! You have taught me everything I know and need to be the best wife, mother, woman, and daughter of God that I can be. You are the biggest rock and brightest star in my life, again THANK YOU for EVERYTHING!!! 

That's it for now.

Warrior Daughter


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